Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Examples Of Dystopia In The Giver - 751 Words

The Giver by Lois Lowry is about a utopian society where there are rules for basically everything that people do. However, after reading the book, I realized that the community truly is not a utopian society but rather a dystopian society. The reasons why the seemingly utopian society is actually a dystopia is because there is no evidence of love, no colors, and the process of eliminating community members is harsh. The community in The Giver is not a utopia as evidenced by its lack of love. This is depicted when The Giver shows Jonas his favorite memory and Jonas says, â€Å"‘I certainly liked the memory, though. I can see why it’s your favorite. I couldn’t quite get the word for the whole feeling of it, the feeling that was so strong in†¦show more content†¦Since the community lacks color they miss out on a lot of fun things that can be done using it, as well as the perception of depth and feeling that can be conveyed by color such as in the change of seasons or a basket of fruit. Lastly, the elimination of community members known as â€Å"release†, which is extremely deceiving to the citizens of the community proves that this community is a dystopia. When Jonas watches his father release one of the twins, he is mortified to see the truth behind releasing. He sees where the new child is deposited, â€Å"... a small door in the wall ; Jonas could see darkness behind the door. It seemed to be the same sort of chute into which trash was deposited at school. His father loaded the carton containing the body into the chute and gave it a shove† (Lowry 151). After seeing what really happens at the releases and having the memory of death, Jonas realizes that releasing is the same as killing. Although he may not even know the truth behind the releases, Jonas feels as though he can’t even talk to his father. Essentially killing someone should not be the case just because they are twins or elderly, the releasers could have simply sent the smaller one or older person to a different community and let them live their lives. One could argue that the society in The Giver is utopian because everything is equal, but there truly is no uniqueness in the community. Everything has and always will be the same which isShow MoreRelatedThe Giver Community Is A Dystopia Essay707 Words   |  3 PagesThe giver community is a dystopia. I know this because when you compare the giver community to our world it takes a minute but I guarantee it is a dystopia, you can see this because on the out side looking in, you know all of the secrets that make up the giver community. another reason it is a dystopia is because when people imagine a perfect world it is not anything like the community of the giver, lastly is the fact that the government plans out people’s lives. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Jesus Is The Perfect Representation Of Love - 2195 Words

The love of Jesus is evident to us not only by his sacrifice on the cross, but he showed his love while he walked on this earth in many other ways by feeding the hungry, healing the sick, and teaching others. The reason I chose this topic is because I feel that this is one of the greatest examples Jesus gave for us while on this earth. It’s an example of how we should seek to treat others everyday and what we should strive to achieve throughout our lives. Jesus was the perfect representation of love, even when loving his enemies. The exact definition of love is: â€Å"A profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.† 1 Corinthians 13 defines love as â€Å"patient and kind, does not envy or boast, is not arrogant or rude, does not insist on its own way, is not irritable or resentful, does not rejoice at wrongdoings, but rejoices with the truth, it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.† This is the love that J esus has shown throughout his life on earth and the love that we must strive to imitate. There are four different types of love as explained by the Greeks; Eros, Phileo, Storge, and Agape. Eros is love within the body. It is defined as romantic love and a state of the heart. Phileo is love of the body. It is love of the soul and of those close to you such as your friends and parents. Storge is love of community and family. This love is known to have the power to pull you towards a lesser path. Finally, Agape, which is theShow MoreRelated Beauty and the Beast1639 Words   |  7 PagesWhat pops into your mind when you hear the word ‘love?’ Do you think of a person who loved you or someone you’ve admired? We, as human beings, are made to love. We even distinguish love as family, romantic, and selfless love: also known as, storge, eros, and agape. As much as we desire to love others, we hold high values of being loved by others. Humanity’s great appreciation towards love is so great, it is even portrayed in fairy tales. Little Mermaid is a story about a mermaid who exchanges herRead MoreDefense of The Passion of the Christ Against Charges of Anti-Semitism806 Words   |  4 Pagesits inception. Throughout history both Christians and Jews have been at odds and many have taken their passions, perceptions, and perversions of the Cross of Christ to the extreme. The core issue is that the Jews have been blamed for the death of Jesus Christ. 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Through these three, Wright believes that God intends for the â€Å"kingdom of the world to become kingdom of God† in which â€Å"the beauty of this world will be enfolded in the beauty of God†, only completing his rescue operation â€Å"when the present world is rescued, healed, restored, and completed.† (Wright 78) Israel, a nation with a history of insurgence, turmoil, and agony, is the start of God’s rescue operation. Israel, in the Bible, serves as a representation of theRead MoreThe Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ788 Words   |  4 Pagesunderstanding of God being loving, understanding and merciful and a God who wants to help us and interact with us. God loves all of us, not just those under the category of Christians. However God may impact all of our lives daily, only those who allow him to are influenced significantly. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wars of Roses A Thematic Account Free Essays

string(47) " defeated with their Royals narrowly escaping\." Introduction Wars of the Roses was a dreadfully brutal, prolonged, civil conflict in England among the descendants of two houses namely the Yorks and the Lancasters; with each claiming to be the rightful heir to the throne. The overall result of the brutal war was to slay off all the prospective claimants to the English throne on belonging to either houses, inflict mayhem and devastation, turn hatred into blood-feuds, and force the entire English Royal family that ruled the country for more than 300 years to a disgraceful end. Moreover, the Wars of the Roses has few equivalents in history when it comes to tortuous schemes, turnarounds, treachery and treason, changes allegiance, armed setbacks, and astonishing endings. We will write a custom essay sample on Wars of Roses: A Thematic Account or any similar topic only for you Order Now Wars or Roses is not an easy war to comprehend historically or in terms of military progress. The war is named after the two Roses that represent the houses of Lancaster (red rose) and York (white rose) respectively, among the English nobility. The roots of the war lies in the disputed progression of kingship that existed over the two previous generations when King Henry IV (Bolingbroke), who was a Lancaster, became king succeeding Richard II, who had been deposed off. Many observers and commentators are of the belief that Richard’s cousin Clarence, who was a York, had had a better claim to the throne; however Richard II was in a better position to make a claim as his father, John of Gaunt, was highly influential. Succeeding Richard II, Henry V became a popular king earning great respect for victories in France; hence no one argued against his succession to the throne. Likewise, no one challenged his son’s claim to succession during the life of Henry V. Unfortunately, Henry V died young and his son Henry VI did not prove to be as popular or a strong leader as hi s predecessor. His kingship was marred by the surrounding of unpopular advisors. Given this situation, the House of York, impelled on by the Earl of Warwick (aka the King Maker), made efforts to claim their righteousness for the throne.[1] The political maneuverings to by the House of York to reclaim their right for the throne began much earlier than the actual battles. It was when King Henry VI, after several years of his marriage to Margaret of Anjou, failed to produce a male off spring who would succeed him. It was widely opined that after the death of King Henry VI, the throne would smoothly pass on to the Yorks given that Henry had no heir. This opinion turned into a reality when a formal accord of succession was signed between the Lancasters and the Yorks and it seemed as eventually the Yorks would succeed without any bloodshed. However, as the events unfolded, King Henry’s VI wife Margaret of Anjou unexpectedly gave birth to a male child after a long wait of seven years. Margaret of Anjou was a strong lady, with all the strength of characters and leadership qualities lacked by her husband, and thus decided to abolish the previously signed accord of Yorkish succession and insisted upon the right of her son to succeed Kind Henry VI. [2] Similarly the tensions between the Lancaster and Yorks renewed following the removal of Richard of York from government positions and the Royal council by Henry VI. Henry VI was prone to bouts of insanity and hence he appointed Richard of York as his Regent during one of his bouts in 1454. Upon his recovery, he saw that Richard had become too powerful and thus removed him from all his positions. This ignited the Yorks to attack Henry VI under Richard’s command.[3] During the early years of the War of Roses, Margaret of Anjou was the one who led the cause of Lancaster rather than her husband King Henry VI. Margaret of Anjou shied away from nothing, from leading her husband’s armies personally, to decapitating her adversaries in order to support the succession of her son. On the other hand, the driving force behind the cause of Yorks was the powerful Earl of Warwick, and the Duke of York. Both Warwick and the Queen were cousins by marriage. At that time, Warwick was considered to be the wealthiest and the most influential English noble. Ironically, he had no male heirs and resultantly he was determined to marry his daughters with the Royal family. [4] The entire War of Roses can be divided into three phases. The initial phase was the longest and deadliest, and led to the victory of the Yorks. It was followed by a phase of rebellion within the House of York, which subsequently led to Lancaster’s claim to the throne. Their success was very short lived and soon the Yorks regained the throne. The third phase was marked by the death of King Edward IV of York. During this phase, Richard III fought with a usurper Henry Tudor, who was a distant cousin of the Royals from the Lancaster side. First Phase: This phase is marked by the deadliest and the most violent battles between the two Houses which were fought between 1459 and 1461, and ended in the victory of Yorks— the Lancaster Royals were exiled in France, with Henry VI being imprisoned by the Yorks in England. There were however, several reversals where the Yorks seemed to have lost their way, along with temporary truces between the two sides.[5] After the opening battles between the two sides, the Yorks were victorious in the early battles. However, the Yorks face massive disaster during the battle of Wakefield, in December of 1460, the Yorks met with disaster. Both the Duke of York and his eldest son were killed. The Yorkish supporters were enraged with this defeat and thus they further attacked the Lanceters with more armies, inflicting heavy losses upon them parallel to the battle of Wakefield. Ultimately in the battle of Towton, the Lanceters were defeated with their Royals narrowly escaping. You read "Wars of Roses: A Thematic Account" in category "Essay examples" Edward IV claimed the throne in 1461. It was followed by a cessation of armed battles for almost ten years. Second Phase: The second phase initiated with a prevailing feeling of discontent among the Yorkish camp. The Earl of Warwick who had orchestrated the Yorkist reclamation to the throne along with Kind Edward’s father, became disheartened with Edward when he decided to marry someone from the rival family contrary to Warwick’s wishes, and ignored his advice on some major issues. Consequently, Warwick along with a brother of Edward named Clarence, deposed Edward and replaced him with Clarence However, this victory was short lived. Soon Warwick, along with help of Queen Margaret, again overthrew Edward. However, with a startling turn of events, both Warwick and Prince Henry (son of Henry VI were killed in the following battles and Edward IV again reclaimed the throne to rule the rest of his life.[6] Third Phase: Edward IV died while his apparent heir Edward V was too young to rule and therefore, his faithful uncle Richard was appointed as his Regent. However, Richard soon captured young Edward and his brother in the Tower on London, and upon their mysterious disappearance, claimed the throne for himself. Richard was both liked very much by those who despised Edwards IV wife and hated by those who alleged him for killing Edward’s IV two princes. It was in this situation that Henry Tudor of Lancaster asserted his claim to the throne. Henry counted on Richard’s enemies for assistance against him and was duly right. Henry Tudor reconciled with the Yorks by marrying Elizabeth of York, the eldest daughter of Edward IV.[7] According to Hicks[8] there are four factors that led to the War of Roses. These are: the crown’s (Henry VI) weak financial condition; the people’s engagement in politics; the interference of foreign countries; and the consciousness of the nobility that it is legitimate to try to terminate the king. There existed other problems behind the war too. One of those which very prominent was the variety of economic troubles that emerged in around 1440 and lasted till 1470s, to which Hicks refers as the ‘Great Slump’[9]. Problems such as credit crisis, a significant fall in the foreign trade, a drastic fall down in agro-based (agricultural) revenues, rents, wages and other prices are considered to be main features contributing to the first two factors: the revenues which were being obtained through customs were cut down. Furthermore, since the impoverishment influenced all the tax payers – thus a harder task was confronted in drawing out grants of direct ta xation from the parliament. Similarly, it is under debate that economic problems gave rise to much of the turbulent situation of this period, contributing in the revolt of 1450 and the reservoir of famous alienation on which nobles like Richard of York and Warwick the Kingmaker eagerly drew. Adding to this, one other problem which caused the nobility to move their boundaries of obedience was the division of dynasty, a core factor prior to 1460, but after that a persistent and easy way of disputing with the authority of the King. These four are the major causes of the War of Roses, and whenever these factors departed, such as throughout 1485-1525, the conflicts ended. In K.B McFarlane’s[10] view, the inability of Henry VI to manage a basically sound and stable system regarding the relationship between the king (himself) and nobility (his Regent Richard II) caused the war. The war persisted because the series of usurps didn’t guarantee landowners the safety that they required. This explanation efficiently points out the individual’s role in a structural setting; and it is considered to be a valid explanation of the wars generally. Tony Pollard[11] explains that the War or Roses was the result of underlying weaknesses in the political system. On one hand it was basically due to the gap between the expectations and the administration of the subjects, while on the other hand it is the capability of the monarchs to carry out what they demanded. Although this gap could and did get extended for several reasons, which are more local to the later 15th century (defeat in France, fiscal and economic problems, a split in the dynasty, an incapable and clumsy ruler in the 1450s and significantly shrewd ones after 1485), it was the cause behind the Wars, as it was also the cause of the problems and issues of 1370-1410 and perhaps 1547-53. Another modern explanation of War of Roses is contributed by Christine Carpenter[12]. She has contended that, while the political system was totally stable, it is a particular manner of accounting both public and private authorities, predominantly that of aristocracy, describing why the incompetency of Henry VI had such striking and long lasting effects led to the war. According to Carpenter, the king ought to balance and merge the different components in the constitution; if he did not make decisions authoritatively and did not offer an adequate leadership in the field of justice and defense, division and disorder were the fate. And like Edward IV (until 1417), Edward V and Richard III, could similarly not offer that kind of leadership. According to Carpenter, the inappropriate actions of Warwick and the role played by Henry VII in prolonging the conflict, was not needed. These various themes indicate that there are many reasons which can be attributed as the causal factors for these historic events; with each different theme or factor grounded in sound social, political and economical theories. Some of these justifications may sound more viable than others, while some might be deemed as less influential. A common theme among all of these aforementioned theories is that whenever the subjects of an authority are denied their rightful privileges and justice along with their basic needs, it paves way for the ultimate demise of the authority itself. This can be an important lesson for those who assert their authorities in the current times in any ways; whether they are the heads of governments, powerful business organizations, religious leaders, or even a head of family. After all, it is always better to learn from the example of others rather than become another example ourselves. Bibliography Carpenter, C. (1997).The Wars of the Roses: Politics and the Constitution in England, c.1437–1509. Cambridge. Haaren, J. and Poland A. (1904) Famous Men of the Middle Ages. American Book Company Haigh, P. A. (1995). The Military Campaigns of the Wars of the Roses. Hatcher, J (1996) ‘The great slump of the mid-15th century’, in Progress and Problems in Medieval England, ed. R. Britnell and J. Hatcher (Cambridge, 1996), 237–72. Heritage History (2012). War of the Roses. 1453-1485. Lancatrians Vs Yorkists. {online} Available from http://www.heritage-history.com/www/heritage.php?Dir=warsFileName=wars_roses.php (cited on 17th December, 2012) Hicks, M. (2010). The Wars of Roses. New Haven, CT, Yale University Press, McFarlane, K.B. (1981) ‘The Wars of the Roses’, in idem, England in the 15th Century. London., 231–61 Pollard, J. (2001)The Wars of the Roses, 2nd ed., Basingstoke. Wheeler, K. (2012) The Wars of the Roses. {online} Available from http://web.cn.edu/kwheeler/War_of_Roses.html (cited on 17th December, 2012) How to cite Wars of Roses: A Thematic Account, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Coke vs Pepsi free essay sample

Coca-Cola and Pepsi have been rivals for centuries. While most people have their own preference on which cola they prefer, they have no idea what makes these two cola brands so similar yet so different. While both are similar in color and taste, the biggest difference between these two brands are their sugar level. Coca-Cola, the dominant coke brand, contains less sugar compared to that of Pepsi’s. Furthermore, these two world renowned colas are said to help regain energy because of its caffeine content. In addition, Pepsi has higher caffeine content and contains more calories compared to Coke. These two cola types carbonated drinks are slightly different in taste. Coca-Cola has a slight vanilla taste to it while Pepsi has a sort of citrusy taste to it. When poured into a glass, Coca-Cola produces more â€Å"fizz† even though it is much smoother when swallowed. On the other hand, Pepsi maintains its fizzy sensation when swallowed. We will write a custom essay sample on Coke vs Pepsi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Despite all these differences, most people can barely tell the difference between these two colas in a blind-folded taste test. There was an experiment conducted to test students’ preference on both colas. According to Woolfolk and her associates (185-186), most college student Coke drinkers prefer Pepsi in a test where Pepsi and Coke are labeled as S and L respectively. They have concluded that college students prefer the letter S compared to L. They had conducted an experiment where both cups S and L contained half Coke and half Pepsi. Regardless of the type of cola, the students preferred cola S over cola L in 85 percent of the cases. This has proved that students’ preference on their favorite cola did not result from the preference for different colas, but the preferences for certain letters. In conclusion, these two colas’ have differences so slight that most consumers cannot even tell. References Bhasin, Kim. Coke vs. Pepsi: The Cola Wars. Coke vs. Pepsi: The History of the Cola Wars (infographic). N. p. , 4 Jan. 2013. Web. 10 Apr. 2013. Woolfolk, M. E. , Castellan, W. , amp; Brooks, C. I. (1983). Pepsi versus Coke: Labels, not tastes, prevail, Psychological Reports, 52, 185-186. Print Coke vs pepsi free essay sample In the modern urban culture consumption of soft drinks particularly among younger generation has become very popular. Soft drinks in various flavors and tastes are widely patronized by urbane population at various occasions like dinner parties, marriages, social get together, birthday calibration etc. children of all ages and groups are especially attracted by the mere mentionof the word soft drinks. With the growing popularity of soft drinks, the technology of its production, preservation, transportation and or marketing in the recent years has witnessed phenomenal changes The so-called competition for this product in the market is from different other brands. Mass media, particularly the emergence of television, has contribute to a large extent of the ever growing demand for soft drinks the attractive jingles and sport make the large audience remember this product at all times. It is expected that with the sort of mass advertising, reaching almost the entire country and offering various varieties annual demand for the products expected to rise sharply in the times to come. We will write a custom essay sample on Coke vs pepsi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In any marketing situation, the behavioral / environmental variables relating to consumers, competition and environment are constantly influx. The competitors in a given industry may be making many tactical maneuvers in market all the time. They may introduce or initiate an aggressive promotion campaign or announce a price reduction. The marketing man of the firm hasto meets all these maneuver and care of competitive position of his firm and his brand in the market. The only route open to him for achieving this is the manipulation of his marketing tactics. In today’s highly competitive market place, three players have dominated the industry; The New York based Pepsi Company Inc. The Atlanta based coca- cola and U. K. based Cadbury Schweppes. Through the globe, these major players have been battling it out for a bigger chunk of the ever –growing soft drink market. Now this battle has been evolved up to India too with the arrival of these three giants. Soft drink industry is on amazing growth; ultimately these are only one person who will determine their fortunes. The Indian consumer. The real War to quench his thirst has just begun CHAPTER 2 SOFT DRINK INDUSTRY: AN OVERVIEW It all began in 1886, when a tree legged brass kettle in HohnStyth pemberton’s backyard in Atlanta was brewing the first P of marketing leged. Unaware the pharmacist has given birth to a caramel colored syrup, which is now the chief ingredient of the world’s favorite drink. The syrup combined with carbonated the soft drink market. It is estimated that this drink is served more than one thousand million times in a day. Equally oblivious to the historic value of his actions was Frank Ix. Robinson, his partner and book keeper. Pemberton Robinson laid the first foundation of this beverage when an average nine drinks per day to begin with, upping volumes as sales grew. In 1894, this beverage got into bottle, courtesy a candy merchant from Mississippi. By the 1950’s Colas was a daily consumption item, stored in-house hold fridges. Soon were born other non- cola variants of this product like orange Lemon. Now, the soft drink industry has been dominated by three major players – (1)The New York based Pepsi co. Inc (2) The Atlanta based coca cola co. . (3)The United Kingdom based Cadbury Schweppes Though out the glove these major players have been battling it. Out for a bigger chunk of the ever-growing cold drink market. Now this battle has begun in India too. India is now the part of cold drink war. Gone are days of Ramesh Chauhan, India’s one time cola king and his bouts of pistol shooting. Expect now to hear the boon of cannons when the Coca Cola Pepsi co. battles it out for, as the Jordon goes a bigger share of throat. By buying over local competition, the two American Cola giants have cleared up the arena and are packing all their power behind building the Indian franchisee of their globe girdling brands. The huge amount invested in fracture has never been seen before. Both players seen an enormous potential in his country where swigging a carbonated beverage is still considered a treat, virtually a luxury. Consequently, by world standards India’s per capita consumption of cold drinks as going by survey results is rock bottom, less than over Neighbors Pakistan Bangladesh, where it is four times as much. Behind the hype, in an effort invisible to consumer Pepsi pumps in Rs 3000crores (1994) to add muscle to its infrastructure in bottling and distribution. This is apart from money that company’s franchised bottles spend in upgrading their plants all this has contributed to substantial gains in the market. In colas, Pepsi is already market leader and in certain cities likeGorakhpur, Pepsi outlets are on one side all the other colas put together on the other. While coke executive scruff at Pepsi’s claims as well as targets, industry observers are of the view that Pepsi has definitely stolen a march over its competitor coke. Apart from numbers, Pepsi has made qualitative gains. The foremost is its image. This image turnaround is no small achievements, considering that since it was established in 1989, taking the hardship route prior to liberalization and weighed down by export commitments. Now, at present as there are three major players coke, Pepsi and Cadbury and there is stiff competition between first two, both Pepsi and coke have started, sponsoring local events and staging frequent consumer promotion campaigns. As the mega event of this century has started, and the marketers using this event – world cup football, cricket events and many more other events. Like Pepsi, coke is picking up equity in its bottles to guarantee their financial support; one side coke is trying to increase its popularity through. Eat Food, enjoy Food. Drink only coca cola. Eat cricket, sleep cricket. Drink only coca cola. Eat movies, sleep movies. Drink only coca cola. On the other side of coin Pepsi has introduced AMITABH BACHHAN for capturing the lemon market through MIRINDA – Lemon with â€Å"zorka jhatkadhere se lage†. But no doubt’ that UK based Cadbury is also recognizing its presence. So there is a real crush in the soft drink market. With launch of the carbon at reorganize drink Crush, few year ago in Gorakhpur. The first in a series of launches, Cadbury Schweppes beverage India (CSBI) HAS PLANNED:-The world third largest soft drink marketers all over the country. CSBIowholly owned subsidiary of the London based $ 6. 52billion. Cadbury Schweppes is hoping that crush is going well and well not suffer the same fate as the Rs. 175 core Cadbury India’s apple drink Apella. CSBI is now with orange (crush) and Schweppes soda in the market. As orange drinks are the smallest of non-cola categories that is Rs. 1100crore market with 10% market share and cola heaving 50% is followed by Lemon segment with 25%. The success of soft drink industry depends upon 4 major factors viz. Availability Visibility Cooling Range 2. 1 AVAILABILITY Availability means the presence of a particular brand at any outlet. If a product is now available at any outlet and the competitor brand is available, the consumer will go for the at because generally the consumption of any soft drink is an impulse decision and not predetermined one. 2. 2 VISIBILITY Visibility is the presence felt, if any outlet has a particular brand of soft drink say- Pepsi cola and this brand is not displayed in the outlet, then its availability is of no use. The soft drink must be shown off properly and attractively so as to catch the attention of the consumer immediately Pepsi achieves visibility by providing glow signboards, hoarding, calendars etc. to the outlets. It also includes various stands to display Pepsi and other flavors of the company. 2. 3 COOLING As the soft drinks are consumed chilled so cooling them plays a vital role in boosting up the sales. The brand, which is available chilled, gets more sales then the one which is not, even if it is more preferred one 2. 4 RANGE This is the last but not the least factor, which affects the sale of the products of particularcompany. Range availability, means the availability of all flavors in all sizes CHAPTER 3 RESARCH METHODLOGY 3. 1 PRIMARY DATA Primary data is a type of information that is obtained directly from first-hand sources by means of surveys, observation or experimentation. It is data that has not been previously published and is derived from a new or original research study and collected at the source such as in marketing. Advantages of primary data: 1. Basic data 2. Un biased information 3. Original data 4. Data from the primary market/ population 5. Data direct from the population. Disadvantages of primary data: . 1. Large volume of data. 2. Huge volume of population. 3. Time consuming 4. Direct and personal intervention has to be there. 5. Raw data. 3. 2 SECONDARY DATA Secondary data is all the information collected for purposes other than the completion of a research project and it’s used to gain initial insight into the research problem. It is classified in terms of its source – either internal or external. Advantages of secondary data: 1. It already exists, so it saves time. 2. It is often cheaper than doing primary research. 3. It may allow you access to data you could not otherwise get. Disadvantages of secondary data: 1. In some cases, it is very expensive (scanner data, e. g. ) 2. You may have less control over how the data was collected. 3. There may be biases in the data that you dont know about. 4. Its answers may not exactly fit your research questions. 5. It may be obsolete data. 3. 3 SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of survey was 25. 3. 4 HYPOTHESIS It is assumed that most of the people around 60% drink Pepsi, but actually its only 28% and 54% of people drink coke. It may be because of the huge publicity done by coke and their effective advertising strategies. It is assumed that the taste preferred would be of coke only around 50%. But actually people prefer the taste of both as 60% agreed to both and 25% prefer coke and 15% prefer Pepsi. It may be because of the different taste and preference of different people. It is assumed that 50% of people feel that coke is more popular than Pepsi. But its 60% of people feel coke is more popular than Pepsi. It may be because of their popularity and brand ambassador. It is assumed50% of the local shops offer both the cold drinks. But actually it 52%. It may be because both the drinks are in almost equal demand. It is assumed 60% that marketing campaign preferred by the consumers would be of both. But actually it’s Pepsi whose marketing campaign is more preferred. It may be because of the more effectiveness and it’s a celebrity campaign. It is assumed 40% that when ordered for cold drinks both the cold drinks are available. But actually its 56%, it may be because of equal demand and its taste is almost the same. It is assumed 50% of people have these cold drinks twice a week. But actually its 60% of the people who have these cold drinks twice the week. It may because of the change in climate and teenagers are very fond of these drinks. It is assumed that advertising influences the choice of products for customer. But actually it’s the availability as 36% of people agreed to it. It may be because of the same taste and if it’s available in the shop people buy that. It is assumed that coca cola is 30% usually recognized through its TV. But it’s actually 40%. It may be because of availability of TV in every house and advertising through television is more effective. It is assumed that 50% of people recognize Pepsi through TV. But it’s actually 40% it may be because of the availability of alternatives Medias. 3. 5 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS Performance appraisal is a process of assessing, summarizing and developing the work performance of an employee. In order to be effective and constructive, the performance manager should make every effort to obtain as much objective information about the employee’s performance as possible. Low performance can push the organization back in today’s tough competition scenario. The project is aimed at analyzing the performance appraisal in companies. Objective: The various objectives of our research are as follows: To examine why an appraisal system is important To study existing appraisal system in various organizations across sectors like BPO, IT Telecom To find the expectation of appraiser and appraise To determine the satisfaction level of the appraise To reveal the various loopholes in the appraisal system if any To find the consequences of an inappropriately conducted appraisal system CHAPTER 4 INTORDUCTION COKE IN INDIA Coca-Cola comes to India with fanfare in the fifties. For a number of days, The Hindustan Times and other newspapers of New Gorakhpur carried full page advertisement showing a big boy in uniform with a soft-drink crown as the cap. There was no indication of the product. After a few days, Coke was introduced. It was an entirely new drink which fascinated people. It soon became the national drink. For the first time, a soft-drink was available from one corner of the country to another. The person who brought Coca-Cola to India was the father of late SardarCharanjit Singh, Sardar Mohan Singh. A practical man Mohan Singh realized that to popularize Coca-Cola, and make it a best seller it was necessary to â€Å"catch them young. † So he focused on youngsters in the society. The company realized that to become a mass consumption product, one has to go to the village. They gave much importance to the distributive network. The company trucks supplied coke to even the remotest village. Few products appears to be more similar than soft drinks, yet the Cola wars that mark the competition between Coke and Pepsi show how even organizations with highly similar product can be differentiated by their business strategies. Then came battles over the issue of bottle size standardization. Coke the arch rival tried to offering more Cola at a lower price. Pepsi which had some of its early investment tied up in 250ml bottles, went the fountain way. The General bottle size freed has settled at 300 ml. 100 ml more than the pre MNC standard. Fountain mix dispensers, carry home bottles, even 1. 50 plastic bottle with caps good enough to keep them lying down and still preserve the fizz It poured in vast sums to whip up its visibility at the retail level, so that consumers were greeted virtually at every street corner by Pepsi’s blue, red and white colors, because they have perception â€Å"the thing on display sells more. †. Coca-Cola is, finally, redoing the real thing to the replicate the success that it’s arch-rival, PepsiCo. Has achieved with its fast and furious marketing. But to win them, Coke is copying Pepsi. CHAPTER 5 MARKETING STATEGIES OF COKE 5. 1 PRODUCT Coke was launched in India in Agra, October 24, in 93, soon after its traditional all Indian launch of its Cola. at the sparking new bottling plants atHathra, near Agra. Coke was back with a bang after its exit in 1977. Coke was planning to launch in next summer the orange drink, Fanta-with the clear lemon drink, sprite, following later in the year. Coke already owns more brands than it will over need, since it has bought out Ramesh Chauhan. Coke just needs to juggle these brands arounddextrously to meet its objectives, to ensure that Pepsi does not gain market share in t Today, Cokes product line includes, Coca-Cola, ThumsUp, Fanta, Gold Spot, Maaza, Citra, Sprite, Bisleri Club Soda and Diet Coke. PACKAGING Coca-Cola India Limited (CCIL) has bottled its Cola drink in different sizes and different packaging i. e. , 200 ml bottle, 300 ml. Bottle, 330 ml. Cans, 500 ml. Bottle fountain Pepsi, and bottles of 1 and 2 liter. PRODUCT POSITIONING One important thing must be noticed that Thums Up is a strong brandin western and southernIndia, while Coca Cola is strong in Northern andEastern India. With volumes of Thums Up being low in the capital, there are ikely chances of Coca Cola slashing the prices of Thums Up to Rs. 5 andcontinue to sell Coca Cola atthe same rate. Analysts feel that thisstrategy may help Coke since it has 2 Cola brands in comparison to Pepsiwhich has just one. Thums Up accounts for 40% of Coca Cola companys turn over,followed by Coca Cola which has a 23% share and Limca which accountsfor 17% of the turn over of the company. (Thums up being the local drink,its share in the market is intact, forcing the company to service the brand, asit did last year Mr. Donald short CEO, Coca Cola India, said that, we will be absolutely comfortable if Thums Up is No. 1 brand for us in India in theyear 2000. We will sell whatever consumers wants us to. Coca Cola Indiahas positioned Thums up as a beverage associated with adventure because of its strong taste and also making it compete with Pepsi as even Pepsi isassociated with adventure, youth. 5. 2 PRICE The price being fixed by industry, leaving very little role for the players to play in the setting of the price, in turn making it difficult for competitors to compete on the basis of price. The fixed cost structure in Carbonated Soft Drinks Industry, and theintense competition make it very difficult to change or alter the prices. Thevarious costs incurred by the individual companys are almost unavoidable. These being the costs of concentrates, standard bottling operations,distributor and bottlers commissions, distribution expenses and the promotional and advertising expenditure (As far as Coke is concerned, it had to incur a little more than Pepsi as Pepsi paved its way to India in 1989while Coke made a come back in 1993. )Currently a 300 ml. Coke bottle is available for Rs. 6 to8 The 330 canwas initially available for Rs. 13 and now, since the price has gave up to Rs. 18 per can. The prices of 500 ml. , 1 ltr. and 2ltr being Rs. 15 Rs. 23 and Rs. 40 respectively( according to the current survey). Dating back to ‘93, when Pepsi hiked the price of Pepsi Cola fromRs. 5 to Rs. 6 per 250 ml. bottle in some parts of the country-including Agra. Coke penetrated the market with price of Rs. 5 for a 300 ml. bottle, makingit cheaper by Rs. 1 and 50 ml. than Pepsi. Cokes strategy at that time beingable to expand the availability of soft drinks even in rural India. Cokes priority being to first increase the number of drinks per drinker, and then thenumber of drinkers itself. Pepsi also tried this but was trapped by a seriesof competitive price increase and changes in bottle sizes by Parle. But the prices of soft drinks have shot up since Pepsis arrival and the current pricesare being mentioned as under Name Bottle Size MRP (in Rs. ) Coke Per Bottle 200 ml 10 Coke 300 ml 18 Coke 500 ml(Plastic / Glass) 30 Coke 2 litre 70 However, the trends may have been in the early 90s, now the pricesof Pepsi and Coke are the same making it difficult in future and present tocompete on the basis of price. 5. 3 PLACE Coke may have gained an early advantage over Pepsi since it took over Parle in 1994. Hence, it had ready access to over 2,00,000 retailer outlets and 60 bottlers. Coke was had a better distribution network, owingto the wide network of Parle drinks all over India. Coke has further expanded its distribution network. Coke and its product were available in over 2,50,000 outlets (incontrast with Pepsis 2,00,000). Coke has a greater advantage in terms of geographical coverage. But Coke has had problems with its bottlers as the required profits for the bottlers have not been forthcoming. This is more so because Coke hashiked the price of its concentrate by Rs. 8 Further, Cokes operations inIndia are 100% FOBOs. Now, it plans to convert then into COBOs. This isstraining the relationship between the Coke and its bottlers. The company had decided to create a fund to reimburse performing bottlersfor the extra costs incurred on account of the hike in prices of soft drink concentrates. Mr. Short also realized that India is a price sensitive market and the company would have to absorb in the increase in excise duty andsaid that in the long run Coke will have to slash prices for the benefit of theconsumers and said that they were considering a cut in the prices of their fountain soft drinks. Coke and Pepsi have devised strategies to get rid of middlemenin the distribution network. However, 50% of the industry unfortunatelydepends on these middlemen. As of now, around 100 agents are present inGorakhpur. Bottlers of the 2 multinationals have strongly felt the need toremove these middlemen from the distribution system, but very little successhas been achieved in doing so. 5. 4 PROMOTION It must be remembered that soft drinks purchases are an impulse buylow involvement products which makes promotion and advertising animportant marketing tool. The 2 arch rivals have spent a lot on advertisingand on promotional activities. To promote a brand and even to spend a lot on advertising, thecompany must be aware of the perceived quality of the brand, its brand power (if at allthere is) since consumers make purchase decision based ontheir perceptions of value i. e. , of quality relative to price. According to Paul Stobart, Advertising encourages customers torecognize the quality the company offers. Price promotions often produceshort-term sales increases. Coca Cola has entered new markets and also developing market economics(like India) with much-needed jobs Coke attributes its success to bottlers, the Coca Cola system itself, i. e. ,its executive committees, employees, BOD, companypresidents but aboveall from the consumer. Cokes red color catches attention easily and also the Diet Coke whichit introduced was taking the Cake, as Pepsi has not come out with this inIndia. Ever since Cokes entry in India in 1993, Coke made a come back (after quitting in 1977), in October 24 in Agra, the city was flooded bytrucks, there wheelers, tricycle cards-all with huge red Coke-emblazonedumbrellas. Retailers were displaying their Coke bottles in distinctive racks,also with specially-designed iceboxes to keep Coke bottles cold. This wasone big jolt to Pepsi. CHAPTER 6 CASE STUDY Coke vs. Pepsi Cola Wars This Market Model case study follows the more than 100-year â€Å"Cola War† between Coke and Pepsi. When first starting to use the Market Model for market simulation, it is easier to think about this famous competitive battle when there were only two competitive products (the 6. 5 oz Coke in their famous bottle, versus Pepsi’s product). When Coke and Pepsi first started competition head-to-head, Coke had about an 80% market share, and Pepsi had a 20% market share – we can ignore the other competition which has since evaporated. Market Maps can start out to be very simple. In this case, both products share the same category defining benefit – they are both â€Å"Cola Drinks†. If consumers cannot tell the difference in taste between the two in a blind taste test, then the only differentiating qualities are the product brands. Data from the market already gives us a lot of information that we can use to tune the Market Model. We know the Price for Coke and Pepsi, we know their Market Share, and we have a pretty good idea of the Profit Margin (or Marginal Cost) of both from their public financial reports. With these 6 data points we can start to tune our model. If we also have data for another point, say at a time that Pepsi was offering a substantial discount on their product or from another geography, then we would have more than enough data to completely tune a model as simple as the one we are starting with. Because the Market Model uses a proprietary statistical algorithm to impute customer distribution data, the data collection problem becomes much easier and cost effective. Unlike with other statistical techniques, the user does not have to commission an expensive market research report just to tell them what they already know about the existing market. The Market Model allows the user to integrate their own knowledge, and then focus on understanding just those new changes relative to the existing state of the market. For example, after setting up an initial Market Model, the user can run very targeted Conjoint Analysis study to better inform them about what is new to the market (like a new feature). The new data can then be integrated into the Market Map. Once the base model has been constructed and tuned the user can think about how they might change the conditions in the market. Here are some strategic ideas for Pepsi: They might try and add an additional feature, such as a different sized bottle They might try to improve the Pepsi brand

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thumb Dominance free essay sample

This experiment will determine whether for thumbs of clasped hands is a relationship between R-handedness or left handedness and which thumb is clasped on top of the other thumb. Question: * Does one inherited trait always influence another closely related trait? Research Reiss M. The genetics of hand-claspinga review and a familial study. Ann Hum Biol 1999 Jan-Feb; 26(1):39-48 Hand-clasping refers to the preferential tendency for individuals to clasp the hands together. This paper reviews the previous literature on family data and twins, and reports new data. In this study about 55% of the population are left-hand-claspers, 44% are right-hand-claspers, and the remaining 1% report that they have no preference or are indifferent. Familial data suggest that hand-clasping may be under genetic control: although the data do not fit any straightforward recessive or dominant Mendelian model, they are compatible with the type of model invoking fluctuating asymmetry which has been used to explain the inheritance of handedness and arm-folding. We will write a custom essay sample on Thumb Dominance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It is possible that hand-clasping, as for example arm-folding, may be an idiosyncrasy due to or influenced by physical bilateral differences in the hands. All data together are suggestive of a genetic basis, although environmental influences are also evident. http://www. bio. net/bionet/mm/neur-sci/2001-November/047260. html Hypothesis There is no correlation between which thumb is on top and the hand dominance when the hands are clasped. In this hypothesis we accept that these two characteristics are genetically unrelated. Data Collected Table 1: consists of all the data collected. Full data is located at the end of report. * Neither means that the subjects placed their thumbs side by side each other. Table 1: consists of all the data collected. Full data is located at the end of report. * Neither means that the subjects placed their thumbs side by side each other. # of Participant| Right handed| R. H. Dominate| L. H Dominate| Neither| Left handed| R. H. Dominate| L. H Dominate| Neither| 40| 30| 9| 17| 4| 10| 7| 2| 1| We were asked to gather information from subjects regarding right or left dominates. 0 subjects were approached and asked to clasps their hands together and if they were right or left handed. The data was collected categorised in the table above. The graph shows the total results collected. We were asked to gather information from subjects regarding right or left dominates. 40 subjects were approached and asked to clasps their hands together and if they were right or left handed. The data was collected categorised in the table above. The graph shows the total results collected. Table 2: consists of all the data compiled Table 2: consists of all the data compiled Conclusion This experiment was more interesting than I expected. At first I thought that everyone that was right handed would be left hand dominate and the opposite if they were left handed. I was intrigued to find out that this isn’t the case, after testing the first few subject I released that there are some people that don’t even naturally cross their thumbs, they just naturally place their thumbs side by side. Another interesting conclusion was my parents, I just assumed that the results would be the same as mine but they were completely opposite.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Conifer Killer Tree Diseases

The Conifer Killer Tree Diseases There are virulent diseases that attack coniferous trees which ultimately cause death or devalue a tree in the urban landscape and rural forest to the point where they need to be cut. Five of the most malignant diseases have been suggested by foresters and landowners at Abouts Forestry Forum. I have ranked these diseases according to their ability to cause aesthetic and commercial damage. Here they are: #1 - Armillaria Root Disease: The disease attacks both hardwoods and softwoods and can kill shrubs, vines, and forbs in every state in the United States. It is pervasive in North America, commercially destructive and is my pick for the worst disease.The Armillaria sp. can kill trees that are already weakened by competition, other pests, or climatic factors. The fungi also infect healthy trees, either killing them outright or predisposing them to attacks by other fungi or insects.More on Armillaria Root Disease. #2 - Diplodia Blight of Pines: This disease attacks pines and is most damaging to plantings of both exotic and native pine species in 30 Eastern and Central States. The fungus is seldom found in natural pine stands.  Diplodia pinea kills current-year shoots, major branches, and ultimately entire trees. The effects of this disease are most severe in landscape, windbreak, and park plantings. Symptoms are brown, stunted new shoots with short, brown needles.More on Diplodia Blight of Pines .​​ #3 - White Pine Blister Rust:​ The disease attacks pines with 5 needles per fascicle. That includes Eastern and Western white pine, sugar pine and limber pine. Seedlings are in greatest danger.  Cronartium ribicolais a rust fungus and can only be infected by basidiospores produced on Ribes (current and gooseberry) plants. It is native to Asia but was introduced to North America. It has invaded most white pine areas and is still making progress into the Southwest and into southern California.More on White Pine Blister Rust. #4 - Annosus Root Rot: The disease is a rot of conifers in many temperate parts of the world. The decay, called annosus root rot, often kills conifers. It occurs over much of the Eastern U.S. and is very common in the South.The fungus,Fomes annosus, usually enters by infecting freshly cut stump surfaces. That makes annosus root rot a problem in thinned pine plantations. The fungus produces conks that form at the root collar on roots of living or dead trees and on stumps or on slash. More on Annosus Root Rot. #5 - Fusiform Rust of Southern Pines: This disease causes death within five years of a trees life if a stem infection occurs. Mortality is heaviest on trees less than 10 years old. Millions of dollars are lost annually to timber growers because of the disease. The fungus Cronartium fusiforme requires an alternate host to complete its life cycle. Part of the cycle is spent in the living tissue of pine stems and branches, and the remainder in the green leaves of several species of oak. More on Fusiform Rust of Southern Pines.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tesco Supply Chain Management Practices Case Study Essay

Tesco Supply Chain Management Practices Case Study - Essay Example They were the authors of the book known as ‘The Machine that changed the world’ which was in charge of introducing the concepts of lean production for the Toyota Company (Indu & Gupta, 2004). The experts found out that the company indulged in many unnecessary handlings whereby there would be improvements along with reductions in the costs the company incurred. They additionally found out that there were longer lead times, poor availability of products along with locations of stores. The company in turn established a system for continuous replenishment, which enabled their products to have immediate replenishment (Womack & Jones, 2006). They have also been reducing their handling of goods while also streamlining their flows. They were able to accomplish this by using dollies on wheels, which replaced shelves. The dollies could be sent from the suppliers and into their delivery Lorries and taken back to the stores. They helped in reducing the companies need for handling th e products since their products were just being loaded at the end of the company’s production line and taken directly by wheels to their supermarkets (Ohno, 2005). This move helped the company in reducing their touch points for drinks by 150 locations along with the transit times. However, the multiple trips that were carried out resulted in higher costs for the company but these costs were covered by decreases in their inventory costs. The company also had agreements with other companies such as P&G, Unilever along with Coca Cola in order to alter their schedules for distribution (Womack & Jones, 2006). This in turn enabled them to reduce their lead times by fifteen days since the daily deliveries made through their wheeled pallets, which enabled the placement of their goods directly on the shelves of many of their outlets (Bicheno, 2008). The company’s holding of stock reduced greatly from over four to two weeks while their service levels also improved by over six pe rcent. The company’s use of lean production methods in the above aspects helped them see their profits jump from 16,452 million pounds in the year 1998 to 37,070 million pounds in the year 2005 making them the biggest grocery within the United Kingdom (Indu & Gupta, 2004). Due to the company’s use of lean production systems, they were able to reduce their storage locations from five to two, their order entry locations from six to just one and their service levels from 98.5% to 99.5%. They were additionally able to reduce their throughput times from twenty to just five days, which represented a 75% reduction in their total inventory (Womack & Jones, 2006). The Tesco Company initiated a ‘step change’ curriculum, which was used for identifying the processes in their supply chains that required transformations. This program helped the company in eliminating several of the unnecessary procedures that enabled them to save about two hundred and seventy million po unds in the years 2004 to 2005. The changes that were implemented under the program additionally helped in simplifying the operations in their stores while freeing up their employees so that they could more effectively attend to their customer’s needs (Ohno, 2005). The company introduced operations across docks that involved goods being loaded into one

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Best Practice Approach in Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Best Practice Approach in Marketing - Essay Example Marketing is the social process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others. Marketing is a process in which an organization identifies the need of a customer and brings to the market a product which satisfied that need, the customer buys the product for satisfaction of the need which results in profit for the organization. It is mutually beneficial process. Marketing is very dynamic function and its definition has been evolving through time. In 1985, The American Marketing Association defined marketing as â€Å"Marketing is the process of planning and executing conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods, ideas and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.† In 2004 the definition was changed to â€Å"Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing custo mer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.† And again as marketing grew into a broader term in 2007 the AMA defined marketing as â€Å"Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.† This definition defines marketing as a process that creates something of value for anybody who has a need of that value. Target market is a very key marketing element. An organizational cannot produce enough to satisfy all the needs of all the people. It has to target the customers whom it feels it can satisfy through its organizational processes in a mutually beneficial way.... ting is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large." This definition defines marketing as a process that creates something of value for anybody who has a need of that value. Elements of the Marketing Concept (200) Target market is a very key marketing element. An organizational cannot produce enough to satisfy all the needs of all the people. It has to target the customers whom it feels it can satisfy through its organizational processes in a mutually beneficial way. It has to evaluate itself and the market to find who it can cater too The second key element of the marketing concept is trying to satisfy the needs and wants of the customers of the selected target market. For this purpose 4 elements are identified and called the marketing mix. (Frederick Crane, 2003) These are controllable variables which are used to increase the level of satisfaction for the customer. These elements are: 1- Product- It is what the organization wants to sell to the customer considering the value and benefits it will produce for the customer. 2- Price- It is the price that the customer will have to pay to attain the product to satisfy his needs. 3- Place- It is where the product is going to be sold, in retail stores, in exclusive stores, what distribution channel will be used to make the product accessible. Place should always be selected as per the convenience of the customer. 4- Promotion- It is the type of promotional tools used to promote the product, like advertising, package design, sales techniques and personal relations tactics. Promotion should be able to communicate things that needed to be told to the customer, very well. Coordinated

Monday, November 18, 2019

Medicare corruption in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Medicare corruption in the United States - Essay Example receiving red lights from various media like the New York Times and the Federal agents searching for illegal documents that might have translated to fraud. Eventually, Columbia/HCA confessed to committing criminal and civil fraud that amounted to fines of $1.7 billion. The company was forced to change its name to HCA Incorporation in 1999. In 2009, 94 people were charged with cases of fraudulent Medicare claims by the Medicare Fraud Strike Task force. It was the largest number ever charged by the Agency and a total of $251 million was involved in the fraud (WEISER, 2013). In 2011, the same agency charged 91 defendants for taking part in Medicare fraud schemes which involved $259million in false billing. In 2012, the same agency convicted two people for participating in Medicare fraud schemes which involved $1.9 million. Last year, the same agency charged 89 people which included the doctor’s nurses and other medical professions for involving themselves in Medicare Fraud scheme s which totaled to $223 million. Apart from this single cases other drug agencies like GlaxoSmithKline. In June 2nd 2012, the company was on the spotlight again and was forced to pay a fine of $3 billion after it emerged that the company was selling unfit drugs. This is also the largest drug scandal in the world. Just recently, four GSK staff in China was detained after it emerged that the four were engaged in fraud. According to the BBC News, the four had been channeling the money to a traveling agency to influence and bribe doctors to prescribe their company’s drugs. It is imperative to hear this and although you cannot control how doctors prescribe these drugs it became a big scandal when it was discovered (Tom Holland, 2013). It is argued that increased government participation into the Medicare services is leading to massive corruption. This paper therefore recommends that the government of US privatize Medicare services to avoid cases of corruption. Various changes to the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Business Process in The Wedding Planning

Business Process in The Wedding Planning Introduction: The report focuses on the business process associated with the wedding planning which ultimately proves to be very helpful in establishing the business in this field. Wedding planning is considered as the emerging business area due to the busy lifestyles of people; people themselves have limited time due to their vocations and thus require an institution which can manage all the activities associated with the wedding event. The report thoroughly identifies the information regarding the wedding planning and its functions, business description of the wedding planning, requirements of customers regarding wedding event, scope of business, targeted customers, market analysis, porters 5 forces model, marketing strategies, and financial feasibility associated with the business of wedding event. The report proves to be very helpful in identifying and implementing the strategies for the commencement of wedding planning business. Wedding Planning: Wedding planning may be regarded as formulating plans associated with the wedding for their effective implementation in the event so as to ensure its success. The business pertaining to the wedding planning includes: Conducting the interview of the couple and their family in order to recognize their requirements regarding wedding event. Preparation of budget for the wedding related expenses. Formulating the elaborated checklist near about one year before the event. Preparation of the guest list. Recognizing various venues for the event like hotels, marriage gardens, wedding manor etc. Planning associated with the decoration as per the customers requirement. Recognizing and recruiting various wedding service providers and professionals like photographers, videographers, caterers, florists, decorators, beauticians, musicians, bakers etc. Preparing and executing various contracts with all the parties. Management of various services and deliveries on the day of wedding event. Preparation of a alternative back up plan in case of any emergency or disaster. Managing the schedule of wedding with the help of software. Preparation of legal translations and documentations for the destinations of the event. Planning associated with the gift distribution to the guests. Providing various honeymoon packages to the couple (Lets Get Planning !). Business Description: Wedding Planning business in the recent time is considered as the most innovative and growing business in the world. In todays scenario, due to busy nature of engaged people no one is able to plan marriage in systematic manner. For overcoming this problem the business of wedding planner came into light. The United Arab Emirates is the place where people are rushed for marriage purpose and for these emirates has become a world class destination for tourists (UAE Customs and Traditions). Requirements: The United Arab Emirates is the best place for tourism. This country is a corporate hub in the world. As a tradition in the UAE, the beginning of wedding starts with the setting of wedding date. This event requires lots of preparations and planning and for this purpose Wedding Planning business facilitates means to the groom and bride to make their marriage memorable (UAE Customs and Traditions). Scope of Business: The wedding planning business has enormous scope in the todays existing world similarly it also plays significant role in the UAE economy. The scopes of wedding planning business in the UAE are as follows: One of the advantages of having wedding planner is, it facilitates everything that we want for wedding. It organizes and plan wedding in accordance to clients desire. It facilitates best deal with money because they are experienced in the searching of best wedding deals and also easily deal with vendors. Although wedding planners are also able to handle emergencies in the wedding. The main advantage of having wedding planner is it saves lot of time. They are responsible for each planning such as contacting vendors, budget, selection of wedding items etc (Wedding Planning Scope Statement ; Benefits of having a Wedding Planner). Target Consumers: The target customers of wedding planner are people who are living in United Arab Emirates. Wedding planning business is aimed for facilitating services to the consumers by offering various facilities at optimum cost and time. The targeted group of customers is between the age group of 18 to 40 years. Market Analysis: A thorough market analysis and research is required for the establishment of wedding planning business, market research will helpful in the systematic identification of customers need and requirement associated with the wedding event compliance with the latest market trends. Market analysis helps the business in following ways: Identification of tastes and preferences of customers regarding the wedding event so as to provide customized services. It helps in deliverance of augmented services as per the latest market trends. It helps in gathering the information associated with the competitors in the same business field and which ultimately assist in having competitive advantage over others. It helps in formulation of various marketing strategies associated with the business like pricing, promotion, location, enhancement of services etc. It helps in expanding the market intermediaries of the business. It helps in target market, market positioning and market segmentation of the business. 5 Forces Model: Porters five forces are applied to business strategy and then analyzed the needs of indusial sectors. These forces are competitive factors and comprises of suppliers, substitute products, rivalry within an industry, customers or buyers, and new entrants. These forces have significant effects on the wedding business. The model of five forces is shown below: http://www.smartkpis.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/5-Forces-Model1.png Source: http://www.smartkpis.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/5-Forces-Model1.png Industry Competitors: Rivalries strategies in the market have significant impact. They use means such as advertising, more attractive customer service, prices competition, introduction of new products etc. before establishing wedding business there is need to analyze industry competitors. Pressure from Substitute Products: Substitute products are the results of industry competition and involve identification of other products that can perform same function. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: Suppliers have a significant influence over an industry because they influence the product quality and prices also. Bargaining Power of Buyers: The bargaining power of buyers forces for prices down with the demand of high quality services and products and that resulted as loss of business. There is need to set prices of services by keeping in mind about the price strategy according to the buyers bargaining power. Potential Entrants: The existing entrepreneurs are responsible for the new entrants and it depends on the barriers to entry. If the existing businesses are not satisfying their consumers need and with this they are not updating according to the market needs then there is possibility of entering new entrants (Porters 5-Forces Model). Marketing Strategies: Marketing strategy ensure the marketing activities remain associated with the business goal and maximizing the returns through the marketing efforts. http://www.easy-marketing-strategies.com/images/Mktg-Strategy-Process.jpg Source: (The Marketing Strategy Process) The marketing strategy of wedding associated with the understanding of customers needs and on the basis of these needs market and competitors analysis are performed. Marketing strategies in wedding planning business comprises of several strategies such as bridal segmentation, competitor research strategies, market research for bridal wedding, development of new business, planning for wedding media, strategies for networking etc (Wedding Marketing Unveiled; The Marketing Strategy Process). Financial Feasibility: The financial plan for a business comprises of estimated sales forecasting in order to evaluate estimated pricing, sales and menu etc. This financial plan gives ray for establishing business by arranging all expenses within budget. Financial plan for a business comprises of following heads: Summarize the financial needs. Forecasting sales through the analysis of market. Specify profit margin. Plan for income statement. Balance sheet Forecasting for flow of cash. Planning for capital spending (Weinberg). Conclusion: Wedding planning business is the emerging field, due to the time constraints. In todays era people are too busy in their vocations and business and thus could not get time to plan and execute the wedding event. This leads to creation of wedding planning business. Wedding planning includes the identifying and formulating the strategies associated with the event as per the requirement of the customers. It covers arrangements of all the activities along with the market and financial aspect. Wedding planners are very helpful in making the event successful and memorable.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Biography of William Shakespeare :: William Shakespeare Writers Playwrights Essays

Biography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was a playwrite in England. The Merchant of Veniceis one of his many â€Å"comedies.† Some scholars however, have made the argument that the play is one of his tragedies. Other tragedies of Shakespeare include Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare lived in a time when Jews had been expelled from England for over three centuries. However, as a playwrite, Shakespeare also probably faced much prejudice and hatred—theater was banned from his home town of London during his lifetime and so the theaters had to move outside of the city walls. This situation may have made him sypathetic to the plight of Jews, hence the play as a work of tragedy. Shakespeare married a woman named Anne Whateley, but he may have also had a male lover during his lifetime—a practice not uncommon for men of his era. Many of his sonnets suggest the possibility of this. Shakespeare’s comedies, performed at the Globe theater, were played to an audience which included as many peasants as it did nobles and loyalty, and so the comedy appeals to this lower class as well. Shakespeare’s works are full of political humor, but also run rampant with sexual and scatalogical humor. Shakespeare lived during the reign of Queen Elizabeth who had a man in her service who she cared for deeply (she never married during her reign, but was rumored to have lovers) and who was rumored to be a Jew. If this had been the case, Shakespeare’s play would have to have been sensitive to her favor. Hence, more evidence of the play as a tragedy. In Shakespeare’s time, it was the common practice for men to play the parts of women in most productions.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How Psychological Research Has Helped in the Understanding of Criminal Behaviour Essay

Albert Bandura created the bobo doll experiment in 1961, the aim of this experiment was to show that if children where witnesses to aggressive displays by an adult of some sort they would imitate this behaviour when given an opportunity. The tested group contained 36 young girls and 36 young boys all aged between 4 and 5 years which was then divided into 3 groups of 24 – the aggressive condition, the non aggressive condition and the control group. The first group involved the children watching aggressive models, where the children where then subdivided by sex of the role model they were exposed to. The second group involved the children watched non aggressive models, where the children were also subdivided by the sex of the role model which they were exposed to. This left the two conditioned groups subdivided into eight experimental groups each containing 6 subjects. They were 6 boys with the same sex model, 6 boys with opposite model, 6 girls with the same sex model and 6 girls with the opposite model. With 3 different groups, Bandura had created a complicated design for the study which resulted in 3 independent variables; the conditions the children were exposed to, the sex of the child and the sex of the role model. Each child was then tested individually and the findings where then recorded. The experiment was done in an artificial environment and the researcher manipulated the independent variables into the conditions. In stage one of the experiment, the children were brought into the experimental room by the examiner. The room was set out as a nursery play room since that was the appropriate setting for the age of the children. One corner of the room had been arranged as a child’s play area consisting of a small table and chair and picture stickers. In the opposite corner of the room was where the adult models would be followed by a small table and chair, tinker toy set and a five foot bobo doll. In the aggressive condition the model began by playing with the tinker toy set but after a couple minutes the model turned its attention to the bobo doll and was aggressive towards the doll in a very distinctive way. Were as in the non aggressive condition the model ignored the bobo doll and played with the tinker toys in a gentle manner. After 10 minutes the children where then taken into new room. In stage two of the experiment the children were brought into a room with relativity attractive toys. In this room the children were to be subjected to mild aggression arousal. Once the children started to play with the toys, the experimenter took them off the children claiming they had been reserved for the other children. The children were then taken into the last and final room for stage three of the experiment. In this room the children were told they could play with any toys in there, the toys in stage three consisted of both non aggressive and aggressive toys. The children were kept in the room for 20 minutes where observations were made through a one way mirror by judges. With the observation and findings of this experiment, three measures of imitation were obtained. For this study the observers’ looked specifically for responses from the children that were very similar to the display by the adult model. They included; imitation of physical aggression, imitation of verbal aggression and imitation of non verbal aggression. With these observations, the researchers were able to consider which children imitate the models, which models the children imitated and whether the children showed a general increase of aggressive behaviour. The main findings of this study were that the children in aggressive model condition made more aggressive responses than the children in the non aggressive condition. They also found that the boys made more aggressive responses than girls, as well as the sex of the children being more aggressive if the model was of the same sex. These findings support Bandura’s social learning theory that children learn social behaviour through observation learning, which children learn through imitation. This study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as children learn through imitation and the environment which they grow up in have an effect on their behaviour. If a child has been brought up around abuse, criminal activity or consistent aggression then the child is most likely to offend by imitating their role model which could be a parent, sibling or even just a role model which they look up to. Philip Zimbardo (1971) – Stanford prison experiment – Dr Philip Zimbardo created the Stanford prison experiment in 1971, the aim of this experiment was to find out the psychological effects of prison life, and to what extent can moral people be seduced to act immorally. The study consisted of 24 students selected out of 75, the roles of these 24 men were randomly assigned, 12 to play prison guards and 12 to play prisoners. The prison set up was built inside the Stanford’s psychological department, doors where taken of laboratory rooms and replaced with steel bars in order to create cells. At the end of the corridor was the small opening which became the solitary confinement for the ‘bad prisoners’. Throughout the prison there were no windows or clocks to judge the passage in time, which resulted in time distorting experiences. After only a few hours, the participants adapted to their roles well beyond expectations, the officers starting displaying authorisation and subject some of the prisoners to humiliation and torture whilst the prisoners developed passive attitudes towards the guards and accepted the physical abuse that was given to them. On the second day with surprise an unexpected rebellion broke out, reinforcement was called and more guards where to be on duty however the prisoners refused to leave their cells, barricading themselves in. This early in to the experiment the prisoners had already felt a loss of identity to the extent they started to refer to themselves as their inmate number rather than name. Even Dr Zimbardo himself started to lose sight of his role in the experiment believing he was in fact a ‘prison superintendent’ rather than a psychologist. Due to the extent of the rebellion the guards were forced to show more authority over them which led to the creation of the ‘privileged cell’. In order to break down the ‘superior’ inmates the guards placed the good prisoners in the privileged cell for a few hours, then placed the good prisoners back into the bad cells causing confusion within the inmates, breaking the trust and isolating them. Within a week the study was abandoned as the experiment was no longer a simple simulation, instead the guards saw the prisoners as troublemakers they were made out to be. In response to this they began stepping up control, surveillance and aggression whilst the prisoner started breaking down emotionally being unable to handle the situation anymore. From the observations and information given by Dr Zimbardo’s reports, this study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as it relates to imitation and conformity. The guards imitated the behaviour of real guards adapting the role quiet quickly. The prisoners also adapted the role quickly falling into depression and conforming to each other. This also helps how a person mental state can change their behaviour, with the prisoners they soon became depressed and mentally unstable, and this shows that when put into a certain disciplinary situation the mind adapts causing them to act immorally. Solomon Ashce (1951) – Conformity experiment- Solomon Ashce conducted the conformity experiment in 1951. The aim of this experiment was to investigate the extent of social pressure from a majority group can affect a person to conform. For this experiment Ashe used a lab experiment. Ashe used 8 participants for this experiment, 7 confederates and 1 naive participant. The 7 confederates had previously agreed to what their responses would be when presented with the line task. However the real participant had no knowledge of this and was led to believe that the other 7 participants were also real. With this experiment each person had to state aloud which line was most like the target line, (A, B or C). The answer was always an obvious one. The real participant always gave his or her answer last in order to see if they conformed or not. In some trials, the confederates gave the wrong answer whereas in some they gave the correct obvious answer. In the experiment there was 18 trials altogether and the confederates gave the wrong answer 12 out of the total 18. Ashce main observation was to find out if the real participant would end up conforming based on the majority views given by the other 7 participants. The results were then drawn up and out of the 18 trails, around 75% of the trials the real participant conformed even though he or she knew the answers were wrong. From the observations, this study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as it explains that criminals may have previously been highly exposed to such aggressive behaviour causing them to conform. This shows that publicly any source of aggressive behaviour or criminal activity can lead to conformity causing more criminal behaviour. Anderson and Dill (2000) – Violence in video games study- Both Anderson and Dill conducted the relation between violence and video games study in 2000. The aim of this study was to find out how violent video games relate to aggressive behaviour. Their first study consisted of 227 students which were given a questionnaire in order to get data on their aggressive behaviour patterns. This study looked at the long-term exposure to video games and what effect it has on aggression towards people. The findings of the first study relating to the questionnaire came back with positive relations between the violence portrayed in video games and aggressive behaviour. The second study which Anderson and Dill conducted was to approach the impact that video games have on aggressive thoughts, social view and mood of a person. This study consisted of 210 students which were given a choice of 2 video games a non violent game ‘Myst’ or a violent interactive video game ‘Wolfstein 3D’. With the non violent game the objective was to travel the island of Myst, finding clues and making your own ending depending on the journey you took. With the violent game the objective was to eliminate the enemy ‘Adolf Hitler’ choosing your own hero and variety of weapons. With each game the students were allocated 3 slots for a period of 15minutes each. The findings of this study concluded Anderson and Dills knowledge and opinions that those exposed to the violent video game gained more aggressive behaviour than those who were not exposed to violence. From the observations, this study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as it states that playing video games may increase aggressive behaviour because the violent acts are continually repeated throughout the game. Video games also encourage players to identify and interact through role play of their favourite characters causing them to imitate the character they are playing. Referring to first person in a game, it causes lead players to make their own decisions in the game affecting the actions of the character. Anderson and Dills studies show that after a limited amount of time playing violent video games, a player can start to automatically prime aggressive thoughts which can lead to aggressive behaviour. This shows that continually playing violent video games can affect a person’s thought patters leading to automatic aggressive behaviour through imitation of their favourite characters which could lead to criminal activity. Jahoda name study (1954)- Jahoda created the name study or as it is also called the self fulfilling prophecy. Jahoda studied the Ashanti tribe people who gave their boys ‘soul names’ depending on what day of the week they were born. For example, boys born a Monday were expected to be peaceful and full of good, whereas boys born on Wednesday which were called ‘Kwaku’ were expected to be aggressive and quick tempered. Jahoda found that when looking at prison and court records 13. 5% of boys that had been referred to court to court where from boys that were born on Wednesday, yet they were responsible for over 22% of violent crimes which was significantly higher than would be expected and shows that Wednesdays boys tended to live up to their reputation. However as for the boys born on Monday, they found that only 6. 9% of all juvenile cases where of minor offences. This implies that stereotypes of the boys behaviours depending on which day of the week they were born caused them to live up to expectations of their names. Jahoda concluded from all this that there was indeed nothing magical about the day of the week the boys were born on but of effect of expectations has on a person’s behaviour. From the observations and findings, this study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as it links to the effect of rehabilitation and the study of the self fulfilling prophecy. If the offenders have the expectation that they should behave in such a way, rehabilitation may be more difficult. Overall the psychological theory of criminal behaviour suggests that negative expectations cause curtain’s to behave towards others in a specific way because their stereotypes – self fulfilling prophecy. Rosenthal and Jacobson (1968) – Self fulfilling prophecy- Both Rosenthal and Jacobson also conducted a self fulfilling prophecy study and the way that people behave according to profiling or being stereotyped in 1968. Their study was conducted on students in a classroom which was also known as the ‘Pygmalion in the classroom’. The students were then put into groups of what the students think they will achieve, where they were then treated in a way that their ability group could achieve. All students completed an IQ test before the study. The findings of this study concluded Rosenthal and Jacobson’s theory that when people are put into groups or have been stereotyped into a group can cause people’s behaviour to change as they will live up to the expectations of the stereotype. The findings found were that after two years the students that were put into the group for higher levels achieved higher than the other students in any other group. These students were known to have been given additional feedback and extra attention so the finding expected had were correct. From the findings, this study has helped in the understanding of criminal behaviour as it shows that when categorised into a stereotype, people soon learn to live up to that expectation, behaving in a certain way. This also has an impact on a person’s self esteem, causing them to act undesirably and maybe even lead them to turn to crime. Eden (1990) – Self fulfilling prophecy- Eden also conducted the self fulfilling prophecy study in 1990, this study explains why some people turn to crime due to the way they have been stereotyped or labelled into a certain group. For this study, Eden looked at the training of 1000 Israeli soldiers and had them organised into 29 platoons. Some platoon trainers were told their groups were above the average potential but other trainers were told nothing. The findings of this study showed that after 10 weeks the performance of all soldiers were assessed and was found that on both the written exam and weapon test, the soldiers who had been told they were above the average potential did overall better than others, even though all soldiers were at an average level. These findings concluded Eden’s expectations that when labelled into a certain group, a person can adjust to behave according to expectations within the labelled group. This study has helped in understanding of criminal behaviour as it shows the stereotypes and labelled groups can influence a person’s self esteem leading them to behave in a certain way and if the stereotype is negative it can cause a person to turn to crime. Sheehan (1983) – TV violence and aggression Sheehan conducted the TV violence and aggression study in 1983. This study consisted of a group of middle class children aged between 5 and 10 to help find the link between children’s TV viewing and aggressive behaviour. Throughout the study data was gathered about the participants’ parents and the researchers also asked about the children’s aggressive fantasies to whether it would physically injure a person. Sheehan found that there were correlations between viewing violence and peer rated correlations for children that were aged between 8 and 10, with the correlations being stronger for the boys than the girls. The results were recorded by looking whether the child injured of irritated another person. These findings can relate to the social learning theory as he found that boys were more likely to imitate male models but overall looking at the data Sheehan collected, those who watched violent TV and films became more aggressive towards others than those who did not. This study has helped in understanding of criminal behaviour as it shows that continuously watching violent and aggressive TV programmes can affect a person’s thought patterns leading to automatic aggressive behaviour and imitation of their favourite characters which could lead to criminal activity.